View Javadoc
1   package org.argeo.connect.resources;
3   import java.util.List;
5   import javax.jcr.Node;
6   import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
7   import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
8   import javax.jcr.Session;
10  import org.argeo.connect.AppService;
12  /**
13   * Provides method interfaces to manage resources like Labels, Catalogues or Tag
14   * like multi value properties in a People repository.
15   * 
16   * The correct instance of this interface must be acquired through the
17   * peopleService.
18   */
19  public interface ResourcesService extends AppService {
22  	/**
23  	 * Returns a canonical English label for each of the JCR Property or node
24  	 * types defined in the current People Repository. If no such label is
25  	 * defined, returns the given itemName
26  	 * 
27  	 **/
28  	public String getItemDefaultEnLabel(String itemName);
30  	/**
31  	 * Returns a label for each of the JCR property name or node type defined in
32  	 * the current People Repository in a internationalised context. If the
33  	 * correct item label is not found for this language, the English label is
34  	 * returned. If such a label is not defined, it returns the item name.
35  	 * 
36  	 **/
37  	public String getItemLabel(String itemName, String langIso);
40  	/**
41  	 * Returns the predefined possible English values of a property of a given
42  	 * node type as defined in the current People Repository and that match the
43  	 * corresponding filter. For the time being, a like "%value%" is assumed.
44  	 * 
45  	 * It returns an empty list if the corresponding template is not found, if
46  	 * it has no property with such a name or if the filter does not match any
47  	 * of the predefined values.
48  	 * 
49  	 * @param session
50  	 * @param templateId
51  	 *            generally, the corresponding NodeType
52  	 * @param propertyName
53  	 * @param filter
54  	 * @return a <code>List<String></code> of status
55  	 */
56  	public List<String> getTemplateCatalogue(Session session,
57  			String templateId, String propertyName, String filter);
59  	/**
60  	 * Returns the predefined possible English values as defined in the passed
61  	 * template node and that match the corresponding filter. For the time
62  	 * being, a like "%value%" is assumed.
63  	 * 
64  	 * It returns an empty the template does not have a with such a name or if
65  	 * the filter does not match any of the predefined values.
66  	 * 
67  	 * @param templateNode
68  	 *            the template, must not be null
69  	 * @param propertyName
70  	 * @param filter
71  	 * @return a <code>List<String></code> of status
72  	 */
73  	public List<String> getTemplateCatalogue(Node templateNode,
74  			String propertyName, String filter);
76  	/**
77  	 * 
78  	 * @param session
79  	 * @param nodeType
80  	 * @param templateId
81  	 *            optional distinct id for this template
82  	 * @return
83  	 */
84  	public Node createTemplateForType(Session session, String nodeType,
85  			String templateId);
87  	/**
88  	 * 
89  	 * @param session
90  	 * @param templateId
91  	 *            the template ID, it is by default the nodeType of the node for
92  	 *            which this node is a template
93  	 * @return
94  	 */
95  	public Node getNodeTemplate(Session session, String templateId);
97  	/**
98  	 * Retrieves all entities which property has the given value
99  	 * 
100 	 * @param session
101 	 * @param entityType
102 	 * @param propName
103 	 * @param value
104 	 * @return
105 	 */
106 	public NodeIterator getCatalogueValueInstances(Session session,
107 			String entityType, String propName, String value);
109 	/**
110 	 * Change the value of a given template catalogue. It also updates this
111 	 * value in all business objects of the repository that have this value.
112 	 * 
113 	 * If newValue is null it will only remove old value and unmark all entities
114 	 * 
115 	 * TODO do this in a transaction and revert if the process is unsuccessful.
116 	 */
117 	public void updateCatalogueValue(Node templateNode, String taggableType,
118 			String propertyName, String oldValue, String newTitle);
121 	/**
122 	 * @param session
123 	 *            with write rights
124 	 * @param tagId
125 	 *            An optional ID to differentiate distinct parent that might be
126 	 *            similar
127 	 * @param tagInstanceType
128 	 *            The node type of the corresponding resources. It defines the
129 	 *            created parent if tagId is null
130 	 * @param codePropName
131 	 *            The name of the property that provides the code in case the
132 	 *            string we store in the taggable multi value property is not
133 	 *            the label that has to be displayed
134 	 * @param taggableParentPath
135 	 *            Absolute path to parent of the taggable nodes
136 	 * @param taggableNodeType
137 	 *            Node type of the taggable nodes
138 	 * @param taggablePropName
139 	 *            Name of the multi value property of the taggable node in which
140 	 *            the corresponding tag is stored
141 	 * @return the newly created parent for tag instances
142 	 */
143 	public Node createTagLikeResourceParent(Session session, String tagId,
144 			String tagInstanceType, String codePropName,
145 			String taggableParentPath, String taggableNodeType,
146 			String taggablePropName);
148 	/**
149 	 * @param session
150 	 *            with write rights
151 	 * @param tagId
152 	 *            An optional ID to differentiate distinct parent that might be
153 	 *            similar
154 	 * @param tagInstanceType
155 	 *            The node type of the corresponding resources. It defines the
156 	 *            created parent if tagId is null
157 	 * @param codePropName
158 	 *            The name of the property that provides the code in case the
159 	 *            string we store in the taggable multi value property is not
160 	 *            the label that has to be displayed
161 	 * @param taggableParentPath
162 	 *            Absolute path to parent of the taggable nodes
163 	 * @param taggableNodeType
164 	 *            Node type of the taggable nodes
165 	 * @param taggablePropNames
166 	 *            Names of the multi value property of the taggable node in
167 	 *            which the corresponding tag is stored
168 	 * @return the newly created parent for tag instances
169 	 */
170 	public Node createTagLikeResourceParent(Session session, String tagId,
171 			String tagInstanceType, String codePropName,
172 			String taggableParentPath, String taggableNodeType,
173 			List<String> taggablePropNames);
175 	/**
176 	 * Retrieves the parent for tag instances that correspond to this ID or null
177 	 * if non has been found
178 	 * 
179 	 * @param session
180 	 * @param tagId
181 	 * @return
182 	 */
183 	public Node getTagLikeResourceParent(Session session, String tagId);
185 	/**
186 	 * Register a new tag if such a tag does not exist, does nothing otherwise.
187 	 * Corresponding session is not saved
188 	 * 
189 	 * Comparison is case *insensitive* and a trim() is applied on the passed
190 	 * String
191 	 * 
192 	 * @param session
193 	 * @param tagId
194 	 * @param tagValue
195 	 * @return
196 	 * @throws RepositoryException
197 	 */
198 	public Node registerTag(Session session, String tagId, String tagValue)
199 			throws RepositoryException;
201 	/**
202 	 * Register a new tag if a tag with such a code does not yet exist, returns
203 	 * the existing one otherwise. Corresponding session is not saved
204 	 * 
205 	 * Comparison of the code is case *sensitive*.
206 	 * 
207 	 * A trim() is applied on the passed tagValue before it is stored
208 	 * 
209 	 * TODO also make a check if a tag already has such a value and prevent
210 	 * creation in this case. It is not blocker yet because we only use encode
211 	 * tags for country and languages that should not be manually updated
212 	 * 
213 	 * @param session
214 	 * @param tagId
215 	 * @param tagCode
216 	 * @param tagValue
217 	 * @return
218 	 * @throws RepositoryException
219 	 */
220 	public Node registerTag(Session session, String tagId, String tagCode,
221 			String tagValue) throws RepositoryException;
223 	/**
224 	 * Retrieve the instance node given its value or code if it is an encodedTag
225 	 * or null if such a tag has not yet been registered
226 	 * 
227 	 * Comparison is case insensitive and a trim() is applied on the passed
228 	 * String for not encoded tag
229 	 */
230 	public Node getRegisteredTag(Session session, String tagId, String tag);
232 	/**
233 	 * Retrieves the instance node given its value or code if it is an
234 	 * encodedTag or null if such a tag has not yet been registered
235 	 * 
236 	 * Comparison is case insensitive and a trim() is applied on the passed
237 	 * String for not encoded tag
238 	 */
239 	public Node getRegisteredTag(Node tagInstanceParent, String tag);
241 	/**
242 	 * Retrieves the value of an encoded tag or null if such a tag has not yet
243 	 * been registered
244 	 */
245 	public String getEncodedTagValue(Session session, String tagId, String code);
247 	/**
248 	 * Retrieves the code of an encoded tag given its English value or null if
249 	 * no such tag exists.
250 	 * 
251 	 * WARNING: if two tags have the same value first found code will be
252 	 * returned see {@link registerTag(Session session, String tagId, String
253 	 * tagCode, String tagValue)}
254 	 */
255 	public String getEncodedTagCodeFromValue(Session session, String tagId,
256 			String value);
258 	/**
259 	 * Shortcut to retrieve a string that concatenates the corresponding values
260 	 * of a multi value property that refers to multiple encoded tags
261 	 * 
262 	 * @return
263 	 */
264 	public String getEncodedTagValuesAsString(String tagId, Node taggedNode,
265 			String propertyName, String separator);
267 	/**
268 	 * Change the value of an already registered tag that does not rely on a
269 	 * code (e.g. the value that is stored in the various corresponding
270 	 * multi-value property). It also updates this value in all business objects
271 	 * of the repository that have this tag.
272 	 * 
273 	 * TODO do this in a transaction and revert if the process is unsuccessful.
274 	 * TODO rather throw an exception than returning false
275 	 */
276 	public boolean updateTag(Node tagInstance, String newValue)
277 			throws RepositoryException;
279 	/**
280 	 * Unregister an existing tag and remove all references to this tag on all
281 	 * nodes under the tagableParentPath that have this tag
282 	 */
283 	public void unregisterTag(Session session, String tagId, String tag);
285 	/**
286 	 * Retrieves all entities that have this tag key
287 	 * 
288 	 * @param key
289 	 *            the code in case of an encoded tag, the value itself otherwise
290 	 * @return null if the corresponding tag parent is not found, and a node
291 	 *         iterator (that might be empty) otherwise
292 	 */
293 	public NodeIterator getTaggedEntities(Session session, String tagId,
294 			String key);
296 	/**
297 	 * Retrieves all entities that have this key
298 	 * 
299 	 * @param key
300 	 *            the code in case of an encoded tag, the value itself otherwise
301 	 */
302 	public NodeIterator getTaggedEntities(Node tagInstancesParent, String key);
304 	/**
305 	 * Browses the repository using the parameters stored in the tagParent node
306 	 * and creates a new tag instance for all new value found in the taggable
307 	 * property of one of the valid node. It is meant to update the tag
308 	 * referential after importing entity instances that are tagged.
309 	 * 
310 	 * Please note that newly created encoded tags will be created by default
311 	 * with a label that is also the code. For the time being, this must be
312 	 * later manually fixed via the system UI.
313 	 */
314 	public void refreshKnownTags(Session session, String tagId);
316 	/**
317 	 * Browses the repository using the parameters stored in the tagParent node
318 	 * and creates a new tag instance for all new value found in the taggable
319 	 * property of one of the valid node. It is meant to update the tag
320 	 * referential after importing entity instances that are tagged.
321 	 * 
322 	 * Please note that newly created encoded tags will be created by default
323 	 * with a label that is also the code. For the time being, this must be
324 	 * later manually fixed via the system UI.
325 	 */
326 	public void refreshKnownTags(Node tagParent);
328 	/**
329 	 * 
330 	 * @param session
331 	 * @param tagId
332 	 * @param filter
333 	 * @return the value of the known instances for this ID. Note that in the
334 	 *         case of an encoded tag, the returned list contains values of the
335 	 *         tags, not the codes but the filter applies on both (with a or)
336 	 */
337 	public List<String> getRegisteredTagValueList(Session session,
338 			String tagId, String filter);
340 	/**
341 	 * Count members that have such a tag in the corresponding taggable sub tree
342 	 */
343 	public long countMembers(Node tag);
346 	public boolean canCreateTag(Session session);
348 }