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1   /*******************************************************************************
2    * Copyright (c) 2010, 2014 Sonatype, Inc.
3    * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4    * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * Contributors:
9    *    Sonatype, Inc. - initial API and implementation
10   *******************************************************************************/
11  package org.eclipse.aether.resolution;
13  import java.util.Collections;
14  import java.util.List;
16  import org.eclipse.aether.RepositoryException;
17  import org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactNotFoundException;
18  import org.eclipse.aether.transfer.RepositoryOfflineException;
20  /**
21   * Thrown in case of a unresolvable artifacts.
22   */
23  public class ArtifactResolutionException
24      extends RepositoryException
25  {
27      private final transient List<ArtifactResult> results;
29      /**
30       * Creates a new exception with the specified results.
31       * 
32       * @param results The resolution results at the point the exception occurred, may be {@code null}.
33       */
34      public ArtifactResolutionException( List<ArtifactResult> results )
35      {
36          super( getMessage( results ), getCause( results ) );
37          this.results = ( results != null ) ? results : Collections.<ArtifactResult> emptyList();
38      }
40      /**
41       * Creates a new exception with the specified results and detail message.
42       * 
43       * @param results The resolution results at the point the exception occurred, may be {@code null}.
44       * @param message The detail message, may be {@code null}.
45       */
46      public ArtifactResolutionException( List<ArtifactResult> results, String message )
47      {
48          super( message, getCause( results ) );
49          this.results = ( results != null ) ? results : Collections.<ArtifactResult> emptyList();
50      }
52      /**
53       * Creates a new exception with the specified results, detail message and cause.
54       * 
55       * @param results The resolution results at the point the exception occurred, may be {@code null}.
56       * @param message The detail message, may be {@code null}.
57       * @param cause The exception that caused this one, may be {@code null}.
58       */
59      public ArtifactResolutionException( List<ArtifactResult> results, String message, Throwable cause )
60      {
61          super( message, cause );
62          this.results = ( results != null ) ? results : Collections.<ArtifactResult> emptyList();
63      }
65      /**
66       * Gets the resolution results at the point the exception occurred. Despite being incomplete, callers might want to
67       * use these results to fail gracefully and continue their operation with whatever interim data has been gathered.
68       * 
69       * @return The resolution results or {@code null} if unknown.
70       */
71      public List<ArtifactResult> getResults()
72      {
73          return results;
74      }
76      /**
77       * Gets the first result from {@link #getResults()}. This is a convenience method for cases where callers know only
78       * a single result/request is involved.
79       * 
80       * @return The (first) resolution result or {@code null} if none.
81       */
82      public ArtifactResult getResult()
83      {
84          return ( results != null && !results.isEmpty() ) ? results.get( 0 ) : null;
85      }
87      private static String getMessage( List<? extends ArtifactResult> results )
88      {
89          StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 256 );
91          buffer.append( "The following artifacts could not be resolved: " );
93          int unresolved = 0;
95          String sep = "";
96          for ( ArtifactResult result : results )
97          {
98              if ( !result.isResolved() )
99              {
100                 unresolved++;
102                 buffer.append( sep );
103                 buffer.append( result.getRequest().getArtifact() );
104                 sep = ", ";
105             }
106         }
108         Throwable cause = getCause( results );
109         if ( cause != null )
110         {
111             if ( unresolved == 1 )
112             {
113                 buffer.setLength( 0 );
114                 buffer.append( cause.getMessage() );
115             }
116             else
117             {
118                 buffer.append( ": " ).append( cause.getMessage() );
119             }
120         }
122         return buffer.toString();
123     }
125     private static Throwable getCause( List<? extends ArtifactResult> results )
126     {
127         for ( ArtifactResult result : results )
128         {
129             if ( !result.isResolved() )
130             {
131                 Throwable notFound = null, offline = null;
132                 for ( Throwable t : result.getExceptions() )
133                 {
134                     if ( t instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException )
135                     {
136                         if ( notFound == null )
137                         {
138                             notFound = t;
139                         }
140                         if ( offline == null && t.getCause() instanceof RepositoryOfflineException )
141                         {
142                             offline = t;
143                         }
144                     }
145                     else
146                     {
147                         return t;
148                     }
150                 }
151                 if ( offline != null )
152                 {
153                     return offline;
154                 }
155                 if ( notFound != null )
156                 {
157                     return notFound;
158                 }
159             }
160         }
161         return null;
162     }
164 }