View Javadoc
1   package org.argeo.eclipse.ui.jcr;
3   import java.util.Calendar;
5   import javax.jcr.Node;
6   import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
7   import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
9   import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.EclipseUiException;
10  import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.jcr.lists.NodeViewerComparator;
11  import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.jcr.lists.RowViewerComparator;
12  import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer;
13  import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table;
18  /** Utility methods to simplify UI development using SWT (or RWT), jface  and JCR. */
19  public class JcrUiUtils {
21  	/**
22  	 * Centralizes management of updating property value. Among other to avoid
23  	 * infinite loop when the new value is the same as the ones that is already
24  	 * stored in JCR.
25  	 * 
26  	 * @return true if the value as changed
27  	 */
28  	public static boolean setJcrProperty(Node node, String propName,
29  			int propertyType, Object value) {
30  		try {
31  			switch (propertyType) {
32  			case PropertyType.STRING:
33  				if ("".equals((String) value)
34  						&& (!node.hasProperty(propName) || node
35  								.hasProperty(propName)
36  								&& "".equals(node.getProperty(propName)
37  										.getString())))
38  					// workaround the fact that the Text widget value cannot be
39  					// set to null
40  					return false;
41  				else if (node.hasProperty(propName)
42  						&& node.getProperty(propName).getString()
43  								.equals((String) value))
44  					// nothing changed yet
45  					return false;
46  				else {
47  					node.setProperty(propName, (String) value);
48  					return true;
49  				}
50  			case PropertyType.BOOLEAN:
51  				if (node.hasProperty(propName)
52  						&& node.getProperty(propName).getBoolean() == (Boolean) value)
53  					// nothing changed yet
54  					return false;
55  				else {
56  					node.setProperty(propName, (Boolean) value);
57  					return true;
58  				}
59  			case PropertyType.DATE:
60  				if (node.hasProperty(propName)
61  						&& node.getProperty(propName).getDate()
62  								.equals((Calendar) value))
63  					// nothing changed yet
64  					return false;
65  				else {
66  					node.setProperty(propName, (Calendar) value);
67  					return true;
68  				}
69  			case PropertyType.LONG:
70  				Long lgValue = (Long) value;
72  				if (lgValue == null)
73  					lgValue = 0L;
75  				if (node.hasProperty(propName)
76  						&& node.getProperty(propName).getLong() == lgValue)
77  					// nothing changed yet
78  					return false;
79  				else {
80  					node.setProperty(propName, lgValue);
81  					return true;
82  				}
84  			default:
85  				throw new EclipseUiException("Unimplemented property save");
86  			}
87  		} catch (RepositoryException re) {
88  			throw new EclipseUiException("Unexpected error while setting property",
89  					re);
90  		}
91  	}
93  	/**
94  	 * Creates a new selection adapter in order to provide sorting abitily on a
95  	 * SWT Table that display a row list
96  	 **/
97  	public static SelectionAdapter getRowSelectionAdapter(final int index,
98  			final int propertyType, final String selectorName,
99  			final String propertyName, final RowViewerComparator comparator,
100 			final TableViewer viewer) {
101 		SelectionAdapter selectionAdapter = new SelectionAdapter() {
102 			private static final long serialVersionUID = -5738918304901437720L;
104 			@Override
105 			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
106 				Table table = viewer.getTable();
107 				comparator.setColumn(propertyType, selectorName, propertyName);
108 				int dir = table.getSortDirection();
109 				if (table.getSortColumn() == table.getColumn(index)) {
110 					dir = dir == SWT.UP ? SWT.DOWN : SWT.UP;
111 				} else {
112 					dir = SWT.DOWN;
113 				}
114 				table.setSortDirection(dir);
115 				table.setSortColumn(table.getColumn(index));
116 				viewer.refresh();
117 			}
118 		};
119 		return selectionAdapter;
120 	}
122 	/**
123 	 * Creates a new selection adapter in order to provide sorting abitily on a
124 	 * swt table that display a row list
125 	 **/
126 	public static SelectionAdapter getNodeSelectionAdapter(final int index,
127 			final int propertyType, final String propertyName,
128 			final NodeViewerComparator comparator, final TableViewer viewer) {
129 		SelectionAdapter selectionAdapter = new SelectionAdapter() {
130 			private static final long serialVersionUID = -1683220869195484625L;
132 			@Override
133 			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
134 				Table table = viewer.getTable();
135 				comparator.setColumn(propertyType, propertyName);
136 				int dir = table.getSortDirection();
137 				if (table.getSortColumn() == table.getColumn(index)) {
138 					dir = dir == SWT.UP ? SWT.DOWN : SWT.UP;
139 				} else {
140 					dir = SWT.DOWN;
141 				}
142 				table.setSortDirection(dir);
143 				table.setSortColumn(table.getColumn(index));
144 				viewer.refresh();
145 			}
146 		};
147 		return selectionAdapter;
148 	}
149 }